Deus 9ft and Single Art Music & Log Fest What started out as a simple Sunday surf fest has mutated into something a lot larger, and now taking in the entire weekend. Friday night we start things rolling with internationally acclaimed Californian movie maker, photographer, and chilled individual; Jack Coleman, he’s coming down to share some of his home movies, they just happen to include Bali’s premiere of POLYESTER and HAPPY BEACH. Add to that the Bali premier of the Deus produced TRACKING by Jimmy ‘James’ Kinnard and you have the perfect visual trifecta. Saturday we will have the inaugural Deus Fish Fry. Just to break that down for you, it’s an opportunity to actually get the shapers of alternative craft together with some people who ride these boards and appreciate them. We’re changing it up slightly and will not only have Fish but Log’s, Hull’s, Single Fins, Trackers & Bonzors. It’s kind of like a hot-rod show but near the water. A day where you’ll bring out your alternate ride, show it off, check out others, get to hang on the beach. It’s grassroots. It’s about having fun. We’re wanting nothing but a good vibe down there. Just people who want to show appreciation for the shapes and put a little light on the guys who build them. That night on the Temple back verandah we will have a panel assembled. Really excited to have two of the shaping greats, Bob McTavish & Rich Pavell. Representing the new guard will be Thomas Bexon, Ryan Birch, & Alex Knost. Then Sunday we will run the actual surf component of the weekend. Now it looks like it may have been eclipsed by what’s going on around it. However on closer inspection you see this is a bubble to bust with over 20 international loggers who are here or currently enroute to our shores to compete in this fun event. It will be a grab bag of cultures and styles. We’ve got competitors from American, Australian, Japan, Europe, Singapore and of course Indonesians, such as National champ Husni Ridwan. Sunday evening and Deus Gallery will be offering up a collaborative exposition of art from some of the afore mentioned surfers, namely Jack Coleman, Alex Knost, Dane Peterson & Nicholas Chalmers. They will be joining by our friends Andrew Wellman, Mia Taninaka & Dustin Humphrey on the walls of the Deus Gallery for the opening of ’Praeterlabor’. Last but hardly least we have a music offering for the Sunday night that is absolutely massive. After the awards We’ll kick it off with the hip Jakarta boys in Renprat & the Soul Brothers. Second set will be from Tomorrows Tulips, Californian couple Alex Knost and Christina Keys make beautiful music together, minimalistic indie surf pop would best describe it. While the name gives the impression that it’s about the surf, the reality is somewhat different. We will be having a weekend of film, art, music and fashion of which surfing is just one facet. The weekend long trident that is Deus 9ft and Single Art Music & Log Fest. Good fun, good people, good times.