GreenRoom Festival 2022

Clear blue skies, dazzling sun, music, art, friends and family. A real place where you can feel the vibes in person, an experience that can't be replaced online. Many joyous feelings we were close to forgetting, all came together these past two days. Three years of COVID-19 blues endured by all with various memories. We are extremely pleased to be back at this wonderful event, GreenRoom Festival 2022 at the Redbrick warehouse in Yokohama.

With a show booth concept created by Deus Headquarters Sydney, preparations began to emulate design sketches, colour concepts and artwork. Suggested custom bikes, customs surfboards and construction of a media totem monitor display to highlight the Deus Culture also went into production. Challenging was the tedious procedure to bring in our visitors from abroad, our Deus Ambassadors Sierra Lerback and Jared Mell into Japan, to take part in the festival. After special visa applications, negative PCR testing and a series of documents and questionnaires filled out, and stricter than usual immigration procedures, seeing tired but happy smiles on the faces of both Jared and Sierra coming through customs made it all worthwhile!

A big applause and thank you to the GreenRoom staff, DEUS HQ, Jared and Sierra, Thomas Bexon, SeaKong, and our builder Soeda-san, who all helped make this happen!


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