Have Dirt, Will Travel

Have Dirt, Will Travel
Our Bali brethren are usually on the receiving end of transnational jetsetters, (and If you’ve ever been to the Deus Temple of Enthusiasm in Canggu, you’d understand why, and if you haven't you really should) But this time the original Temple Grom, 8 year old Kelana Humphrey took a break from the hot Bali rainy season to come here to Southern California and ride some dirt bikes in the Mecca of Motocross and sneak in a few waves. Kelana brought along his pop and co-founder of the Indonesia flagship, Dustin, and met up with old friend and Deus family member Forrest Minchinton to rip and ride the wealth of motocross tracks from Glen Helen to Palomar Mountain, and everything in between. Forrest and the young ripper stretched the legs of their whips in the Hangover and Half Grand Prix out at Glen Helen for a friendly all-out 90 minute race around a long loop of motorcross jumps, enduro trails, wild desert, and of course the infamous Mt St Helen hill climb, no small feat for Kelana’s trusty 65cc bike. Forrest finished a respective 5th in the Pro Class while Kelana earned himself some hardware with two first place finishes in the Mini Supercross and main race. Nicely done laddies!!