Imagine that, hey? The quiver of my dreams becomes a reality. I’m over the moon. It’s like seven years of Christmas presents in one hit. The logs are at home taking some time off and there’ll be no mellow visits to Husni. This trip is all about Indonesia’s serious side.
Since the start of the year the Temple shaping bay has been my classroom. Over and over again I’ve sat in, watched and learnt from some of the best shapers in the world. Lucky for me, the boards they were shaping are mine. The result is a quiver that’ll keep me steady in any situation I come across. There’ll be no excuses the next time I go over the falls, no more blaming equipment and feeling sorry for myself. The ball is officially in my court. Judging by all of the orange that’s showing up on the swell map for this week I’m going to have a hell of a time putting them through their paces. The time is right. We’re off in chase tomorrow.
The boards:
Rich Pavel has hand-shaped me five in all. There’s a 5’6 speed dialer, a 7’0 single fin “for waves of consequence”, two 6’8 quads (one channel bottom and one spiral v, both made for heavy, throaty waves), a 6’1 channel bottom single fin and a 7’5 “midlength’ single fin. Add to that an 8’6 Mctavish step deck, a 5’9 Thomas lip basher and viola’, the quiver of my dreams is complete.
I can’t put how excited I am in to words right now but I hope that over the next 5 weeks the rats and I will be able to show you.
- Harrison Roach