The Desert Said Dance

The Desert Said Dance

We are chuffed to push a new film coming to the world very shortly; The Desert Said Dance. It's been some time since we've felt this awe inspired at the end of a motion picture and we are proud as punch of the Deus friends & family involved within this feature length film.

Action, Adventure, Ardour, it's an A+++. Take in the full trailer and you'll see what we mean. Tickets are now on sale for the The Desert Said Dance world cinema tour via

Cya there.


Anyone can enter the Baja 1000, but not everyone finishes it. Some aren’t tough enough. Some don’t have bikes that are tough enough. And some make mistakes that take them out of the race. Sometimes, tragically, forever. This is a place where dreams go to die. Grand visions and hopes, materialized, but rarely sustained. The desert has this mysterious allure, there is freedom, solitude, and opportunity. The desert is the unforgiving canvas of life, and this is a story about the art of racing with it and against it.

It's competitors are connected to the desert, to their motorcycles, and to each other. A trio of man, nature and machine. Through this they find purpose. Flirting with death, a 1000 mile dance in search of victory. Some cross the finish line, others prevail, but not all make it home. This is a celebration of tenacity, and humankind’s unique ability to paint the world as we see it. For over 50 years, this one-of-a-kind event has been a magnet to those brave and foolish enough to face one of the most challenging race courses in the world.

This is the story of four men, whose passion come before any paycheck. Drawn to a challenge, and the romance of dancing with the unknown. Pushing themselves far beyond where most people feel alive. Each with motivations of their own. From chasing a childhood dream, to honoring a fallen teammate taken too soon. A five time champion in search of reliving his former glory, and a young Ironman trying to prove his place at the top. A motley crew united by motorcycle with the common goal of proving to themselves and to the world that they are alive and that the dance must go on.The Baja 1000 is like no other. It is the longest non stop, point to point, offroad race in the world. With a film crew of equal enthusiasm and tenacity, we set out to find a different kind of story. A team of racers united in their rejection of traditional life. This is a cinematic ode to these riders, a testament to their spirit of improvisation and their skill. For those who already understand, it will be a chance to connect with the subtleties of performance and the art of machines. For the initiates it is a breathtaking introduction to the spectacle and sublime wonder that is the Baja 1000 and the men who endure enormous hardship in a landscape like no other on the planet.

Directed by: Lincoln Caplice
A Story by: Harrison Mark & Forrest Minchinton
Featuring: Forrest Minchinton, Colton Udall, Derek Ausserbauer & Nic Garvin
Executive Producers: Jesse Stanley, Harrison Mark, Forrest Minchinton, Jamil Hassan & Lincoln Caplice
Producers: Harrison Mark, Forrest Minchinton & Jamil Hassan
Director of Photography: Andrew Gough
Edited by: Lucas Vazquez



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