We've been huddled in the bunker for a couple of months now as the wet washes over us. And sometimes those 4 close walls make it feels a whole lot longer.
We need the rains. They feed the beautiful island of Bali its much need water for her crops of rice and fruits but at the same time it has been starving us of getting out and just having a good ol stretch. You know, both mind and body.
So when the farmer next door harvested his crops, revealing mud up to a brim and the sky cleared for a moment of course we started to stretch. One thing led to a couple of dares being thrown around. Much to most of our surprise, David our new videographer, said sure why not. Gotta love a new kid on the block.
Travis Pastrana he ain't. But it did afford us all the chance to get out and have a good laugh. While we waited for him to dress down and line up, the unspoken question amongst the bunch wasn't so much how far he'd go, it was more about would he land it or would the whole thing touch down and stick firm in the questionable quagmire cartwheeling him head over heels through the air and into his own personal Bali mud bath experience?
The only way you'll find out is to watch the 40 sec clip.
We learnt an important thing that day… What one man can put in. sometimes, takes at least six to get out.