The Deus Backyard x The Allah Las

In the past we’ve always waited to Sunday night to have our wham bam thank you mam party music night but when we heard the Allah-lahs were gonna be in town we couldn’t resist double heading the Deus 9ft & Single Surf, Art and Music Fest with a Friday night blow out.

The backyard filled up early with anticipation and after some sage like words of wisdom by our duelling duo event MC’s about the days activities and tomorrows goings on, our own sunbleached and tanned Novacastrian, Lewie Dunn, took to the stage with a guitar around his next and a backing track cassette tape in his back pocket. Within seconds of his first strum and before the sound of his copyright chuckle had died down the crowd was on its feet with a mess of girls surging forward towards the stage. Damn if his music wasn’t great. and when it was shaken and stirred with his cheeky grin and dishevelled hair, he left half the ladies a little warmer than they thought they would get on this balmy tropical night.

He stepped aside after belting out a six pack of tunes leaving everyone, men and women alike, well primed for the evenings main event. The Allah-lahs. An LA surf rock band whose 60’s inspired twangy guitar and introspective lyrics wined and dined and gave everyone that great first date night until it was time for the anticipated good night kiss. The four piece dug deep for that one, strummed hard and planted one firmly on everyones faces before exiting stage right as the DJ pulled up the tunes to make people dance the night home.

It was a late late night and lets hope this doesn’t make people sleep in for tomorrow we are at it bright and extra early at 6:20am to get the Deus 9ft & Single Log fest well under way before the blow comes in. Are we gonna see you there?