Ride 100 Bali 'Fixed Mixer'

A total of 150 competitors rolled into town last Saturday, eager to put their pedal skills to the test in Bali's annual fixed geared event 'Ride 100'.
A majority of the competitors had flown in especially from Jakarta and other fixed geared cycle enthusiast hubs across Indonesia, ready to take on the grueling ride. The event began here at the Deus Temple of Enthusiasm in Canggu. Morning saw the place full to the brim with bicycles and their riders enjoying the banter, bolting their bikes together, the pre-ride social catch up and fueling up on good food and lubricants before the starter gun fired.
This impromptu tour de Bali got underway at around 2pm. Riders had been filtered into 7 starting groups each heading out at 5 minute intervals to keep the congestion to a minimum. They charged into the first leg, Tabanan bound, and were in for some classic Bali rice paddy views. They were presented with ample opportunities to master their speed check abilities on the winding roads that wrapped around the peaks and valleys they encountered along the way.
They hit the first pit stop, a short rest and replenished their fluid loss, before the groups once again set off bound, this time Nusa Dua bound via Denpasar and Sanur. This leg involved a different set of skills as riders encountered the hectic city traffic, weaving through bikes and cars isn't an easy task anytime, so imagine doing it without any brakes. Only five crashes were testament to the required skill to compete in this event. As luck would have it no major injuries were endured, which is always a good thing. And everything ran smoothly thanks to a large dollop of luck and the help of fellow riders.
The cyclists finally rolled into the 'Warung of Simple Pleasures' Seminyak, spent of all their energy but amazingly still enthused, that would have been around 10pm. Live music and refreshments awaited all and sundry. Tired yet exhilarated from completing such a journey of thrills, spills and a whole lot of wheel action, they celebrated the day by kicking on into the night.
Congratulations to all who attended this Year's 'Ride 100 Bali' and thanks to the organisers; Big up to Tremorz and everyone else that made the event possible!