We last left you with the talk of a looming swell and Salsa sending smoke signals on a headland to his mates who live by the credo, “Have swell? Will travel”. Lets just say, they all arrived on the island at the same time. With little time to get settled and say g’day the boys were off to slash and turn every bit of the underwater dance party the ocean was throwing at them. So to recap, the crew is now Salsa, Elis, ‘The Greaser’ Matt Chojnacki, and brining up the rear, but in no way considered the old timer of the bunch, Nathan ‘Noodles’ Webster. Noodles delivers the good’s, his forehand carves are as wicked as a punch from Bruce lee and goes on smooth like Vegemite in hot toast… To say the least the boys have had their fare shake at Bali life, they had a full weekend of big throaty barrels at numerous spots; they’ve been hanging around “The Temple”. The Greaser has been behind the espresso machine working the bean, Elis putting the final tweaks on his new ride. Noodles has been showing them all a good time in and out of the water. Legend. And Salsa, well he's just living the dream...
The swell has started to drop, but last we checked the crew still had some gas left in the tank and were going to toss around some new sticks down on a Canggu wave…